17th annual East Grand Adventure Race in Danforth, Maine is directed by Dave Conley, owner of Canoe the Wild. 20 miles including a 1.5 mile compass run, 10 miles of biking and 8 miles of paddling, canoe or kayak. Nine divisions, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes. Family division skips the biking, open can be anything such as a solo or a relay team. The race is always held the 2nd Saturday of May so mark your 2025 calendar. Separate 34 mile Baskahegan Stream canoe race happens simultaneously and is Maine’s longest canoe race. Some participants attend for the purpose of conditioning for the 70 General Clinton Canoe Regatta that takes place later in the month in New York.
divisions, something for everyone! The race is always the 2nd Saturday in May.